I wanted Steve to have a really nice Father's Day weekend so Saturday I sent him off to play golf with Patrick. Entertainment of any kind is a treat to our family because those activities aren't in our budget. I knew that would make it even more fun for them. Plus, I was glad they got to spend time together. Steve has so much fun when he gets to just hang out with Patrick. They have always been close and enjoyed each others company! On Sunday we continued our celebration with a special breakfast casserole that is usually reserved for Christmas. Afterwards, Steve opened the presents that we got him. I think he liked the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey puck the best. It was a special Father's day edition puck and he put it in his office along with the frame we gave him. We didn't bother to put pictures in the three openings. He took care of that himself! Sara made a very special card for Steve to show him how much she loves him. Steve is very close to Sara too. He adores her and it makes me so happy to see them together. Steve has always been close to our children. Some dad's are "hands off" when their children are very small but Steve has shared the responsibilities of parenting from the beginning. He is reaping the benefits in the relationships that he has with Patrick and Sara today. He is always there when they need him. He takes all the responsibility for Patrick's day to day pump care. Sam was an infant when Patrick got the insulin pump. Knowing that I wasn't able to handle another big change, Steve stepped up and learned what we needed to know. He still knows so much more about it than I do. This is just one example of his dedication to our children. Of course when Sam came along he opened his heart once again and was active in his care from the beginning. After Sam was born, the first thing he said to me was, "We have three children now." I think he realized even before I did the implications of that simple statement. We could never have known what a joy Sam would come to be. He truly is a blessing. Being new parents again, after eight and a half years, has been more wonderful and more difficult than we expected. However, Steve never missed a beat. He shared the nightly feedings with me and even gave Sam his very first bath. Steve enjoyed bathing Sam and did it nightly in those early days of Sam's life. Sam loves playing with Steve and has for as long as I can remember. Steve was the recipient of Sam's first smile and first laugh. To this day, I can't get Sam to laugh like Steve can. Sam also wants his Daddy when it is time to go to sleep. Steve holds and cuddles him until he is asleep. Sometimes, I am jealous of all that sweet cuddle time but mostly I think how much he deserves the sweet rewards of his dedication to our children. He loves them so much and it shows! The love of a Father helps us to understand our relationship with our Heavenly Father. We tend to view God in the same way we view our earthly fathers. Grandfathers can also play an important role in that respect. My grandfather was a very special person. He gave me unconditional love and taught me so many life lessons. He was kind to everyone he met. He loved God and God loved other people through him. When I am struggling, I think of my grandfather and the way he lived his life. After losing my Grandmother, he could have given up. They were so close. I'll never forget the way he held and kissed her with tears streaming down his face the night she died. He loved her so much. The loss had to be devastating. However, he went on living his life and being a blessing to his family. He lived his life with strength and determination epitomizing the verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." His memory strengthens me daily. Pop-Pop is continuing the traditional of truly "grand" grandfathers. He decided when Sam was only 6 months old that he wanted to keep him on Thursdays and Fridays while I work. He and Maw-Maw do this every week. Sam has been a different baby since then. He is so happy and loving and I will forever be in debt to Pop-Pop for coming to his rescue. It's as if Sam knows that Pop-Pop "rescued" him. He loves his Pop-Pop so much. Recently, when he was sick, Pop-Pop was the only one who could console him. They have a very special bond and I am so happy that my children also have such a special grandfather. Patrick and Sara love their Pop-Pop too. They both know how much he cares for them. Sara summed it up when she recently reflected on her relationship with him. She said, "Pop-Pop always thinks of others before himself.'' I think that is very high praise indeed. We should all try to live our lives so that the children that have been entrusted to our care can say the same about us. I am thankful for the examples of the fathers and grandfathers that I have been blessed to knowl
Project time
12 years ago
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