A true friend seems to know what you need even when you don't. Recently, I was feeling overwhelmed with life. I got caught up in the "have to's". You know the ones. I have to do laundry. I have to clean the house. I have to buy groceries. I think you get the picture. My attitude was also greatly affected by a medicine that I was having a bad reaction to, although I didn't realize it at the time. I wanted to get away so badly even if it was for just a little while. Any way my oldest and dearest friend, Vicki was here from Iowa. She came to visit her mom who is fighting cancer. Of course we wanted to see each other. Vicki also wanted to see the kids and Sara was dying to see her Aunt Vicki. We decided that she would come to my house the next day. However, in the course of about 12 hours Vicki decided to change our plans. When I talked to her the following morning I found out that she had decided to book a room for us at Ross Bridge so that we could have a spend the night party. Ross Bridge is a very nice resort and she wanted the kids and me to come and stay with her and enjoy the amenities. Patrick was at diabetes camp but Sara, Sam, and I were packed in no time at all. Now I don't know if Vicki got some psychic friendy kind of vive and knew I was on the edge of a breakdown or is she was just trying to avoid my house. Vicki and I have never had the same standards when it comes to house keeping. While growing up, many were the times that she cleaned my closet saying, "This is the last time. You have to start cleaning up yourself!" Of course I didn't believe her. I knew she could only take so much. She would have to help me again. The only thing I was more sure of was the fact that she would always be my friend. I was right about both things by the way. She tried to change my slovenly ways up until the time we both left our respective homes to start our adult lives. I was also right about our friendship. She is still my best friend and she deserves a medal for putting up with me for all these years. The point is that for whatever reason Vicki treated us to 24 hours of paradise. Sara and I were thrilled with everything from the awesome mattresses to the newspaper that was left neatly in front of our door. The room was beautiful. The pools and hot tubs were heavenly. Sara and I have never felt so pampered as when room service delivered our breakfast. I highly recommend the lemon souffle pancakes! Sam was his usual 22 month old self but he really enjoyed the pool insisting that I take him down the water slide numerous times even though my arms were not long enough to keep him from going under at the bottom. The pool was a little over 5 feet deep at that point so Vicki had to stand by to take Sam from me as the water was over my head and I didn't want to try to swim with a wiggling, crying baby. Yes, he cried each time he went under but immediately wanted to go back down again. Go figure! I think the experience was good for him. He now puts his face in the water when he takes a bath. I think I have a world class swimmer in the makings. If so Sam will have his Vick,Vick to thank. In fact we all have Vicki to thank for a wonderful time.
Project time
12 years ago
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